OC Will Moy has the Full Facts
We are sure that the sharp-eared amongst you have heard Old Cat Will Moy on the radio ensuring we all get the facts straight with the upcoming election. Will has been heard on Radio 4’s Today programme and is a contributor to Eddie Mair’s Friday show during the election.
Full Fact are fact checking each party’s manifesto in addition to news, Tweets and all social media postings.
Will Moy (OC 2001) is Chief Executive of Full Fact, the UK’s independent fact checking charity which has pioneered automated fact checking. He has led Full Fact since work began in 2008. Will has served on advisory groups for the ESRC, Ofcom, the Pew Charitable Trusts, and the Treasury, and regularly gives evidence to select committee and other inquiries.
Full Fact fights bad information. They are a team of independent fact checkers and campaigners who find, expose and counter the harm it does. You can find out more and follow their latest findings at fullfact.org